God, Sex and the Meaning of Life Ministry
Theology of the Body
Monday Morning Study Group
at St. Bernadette's Ajax
from 9:30 - 11:30
At the present time we are studying the Catechism of the Catholic Church, with an eye towards the Theology of the Body.
The God, Sex, and the Meaning of Life Ministry started in 2006, and is approved by the Archdiocese of Toronto. GSML Ministry appears on the Archdiocesan website: www.archtoronto.org
Our goal is to disseminate Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body as widely as possible and to encourage a more in-depth study of his teachings. In order to ensure that as many people as possible are exposed to the Theology of the Body, our ministry offers workshops and other resources on this topic.
Toronto's Archbishop Thomas Collins stated in The Interim “… people [need] to study the teachings of John Paul II in the Theology of the Body…. it’s very important to popularize that, where the intense writings of the Holy Father are made more accessible to everybody.”
Toronto's Cardinal, Thomas Collins also stated: [John Paul II] “His teachings, and especially his Theology of the Body, are a permanent gift of immense benefit to us all. I earnestly invite everyone to study prayerfully the teachings of Pope John Paul, especially the Theology of the Body. -We need very much in these days to deepen our awareness of the dignity of the human person, and Pope John Paul helps us to do that.” - Address of Archbishop Thomas Collins - 32nd Annual Archbishop's Dinner, Oct 27, 2011 To read the full address click here
May his Holiness Pope John Paul II intercede and bless you!
Theology of the Body Workshops
This workshop for married couples, singles and celibates, male and female, young and old, is based on Christopher West’s DVD talks in which he unpacks John Paul II’s teachings translating them into language everyone can understand. It explores the connection between sex and the questions of human existence, including
- What is the meaning of Life?
- Why did God create us male and female?
- How do we attain happiness on earth and what joys await us in heaven?
- Why is there evil in the world and how do we overcome it?
The workshop, which is led by trained facilitators, usually runs one evening each week for 2 hours over a four week period. It can be adapted to one full day session or two half day sessions on weekends. Click here for more info
You: Love, Life and the Theology of the Body (Teen Program)
This workshop for teens and young adults is a positive portrayal of our sexuality as a good and essential part of love and life. During 12 weekly sessions which include activities appropriate to the age group, participants discover the beauty and purpose of their sexuality, and why it is such a major part of their ability to love. It answers questions like
- Why did God give us sexual desires?
- What is the difference between love and lust?
- What does our sexuality teach us about God?
- Can Christ bring healing to me if I’ve already “messed up”?
- How can I discover my vocation?
- How can teens remain pure in our oversexed culture?
- Is there any hope of overcoming lust and pornography?
More information on this course and resources can be found here....
Guiding Your Child Through the Sexual Minefield – From Toddlers to Teens
This is a presentation for parents, grandparents, teachers and all those who work with children, and is based on John Paul II’s writing on how to counteract the false messages about love and sex in our culture. It provides advice and tools for raising the very young in a loving, chaste and pure manner.
Classroom Presentation
We have a short one hour presentation suitable for the classroom.
Study Groups
We run and help organize study groups. We currently have one in our local parish. We are just starting a second one. If you are interested in joining or starting a study group, please contact us at gsmlministry@gmail.com
We have two Study Groups in Ajax at St. Bernadette’s Parish Hall at 21 Bayly St. E.
- Monday mornings from 9:30-11:30
- The Second and Fourth Mondays of the month in the evening from 7-9
Presentation Skills and Basic Theology of the Body
This workshop is aimed at showing those interested in running workshops how to do so. It covers
- Planning, arranging and conducting workshops
- How to facilitate a group discussion

- If the sessions are to be held in your church, you can either ask the pastor for permission, or contact us and we will request permission. It is usually better for the parishioner to ask the pastor as it shows that there is an interest within the parish. Please note, we need to be invited into the parish by the pastor, regardless of who approaches him.
- If you are an organization who has a hall, or is willing to rent one, you may contact us first. Contact us at gsmlministry@gmail.com
- Our Workshops are offered free of charge by trained volunteer facilitators..
- If the workshop involves substantial travel or overnight stays, we will charge only enough to cover those expenses.
- Workbooks will be available for sale at cost price to us, which at present is $10.00, but is subject to change. Purchase of the workbook is optional
- We take to heart the words of Jesus: 'Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give' (Mt 10:8).
- Email further questions to us through our "contact us" page
- Send us your email address, and ask to be added to our newsletter mailing list. This letter is published every 2 or 3 months. Contact us at gsmlministry@gmail.com

God, Sex and the Meaning of Life Workshops
- St. Gertrude, Oshawa, Jan 2007
- Holy Redeemer, Pickering - Feb. 2007
- St. Lawrence, Toronto - March 2007
- St. Bernadette, Ajax - June 2007
- St. Rose of Lima, Toronto - Oct. 2007
- St. Bernadette, Ajax - Jan. 2008
- St. Aidan, Toronto - Feb. 2008
- North Toronto Prayer Group, Toronto - March 2008
- St. Isaac Jogues, Pickering - Apr. 2008
- St. Gregory the Great, Oshawa - May 2008
- Couples for Christ, Toronto - Oct. 2008
- St. Boniface, Toronto - Mar. 2009
- The Bukas Loob sa Diyos Covenant Community, Toronto - May 2009
- St. Theresa Shrine of the Little Flower, Toronto - Nov. 2009
- St. Margaret Mary, Hamilton - Nov. 2009
- Epiphany of Our Lord, Toronto - Feb. 2010
- Holy Martyrs of Japan, Bradford - Mar. 2010
- St. Dunstan, Toronto - Apr/May 2010
- Guardian Angels, Orillia - May 2010
- St. Philip Neri - North York - Fall/Winter 2011/2012
- Couples For Christ – Foundation for Family and Life, Young Couples Group in Georgetown - June 2015
Maybe your parish in the future check for Workshops .here...

Theology of the Body for Teens - Workshops
- Holy Redeemer, Pickering - Fall 2008
- St. Thomas Aquinas, Toronto - Spring 2009
- St. Nicholas Bari - Fall 2009
- St. Mary’s Malankara Catholic Mission - Winter 2010
- Precious Blood Prayer Group - Winter 2012
- St. Maximilian Kolbe, Mississauga - 2013
- Bukas Loob sa Diyos , Toronto - 2013
- St. Mary's Academy, Toronto 2017
Theology of the Body in the Classroom
One period introduction - 70 minutes
during Respect Life Week
- Archbishop Romero RCHS, Toronto
- Loretto College RCHS, Toronto
- Bishop Allen Academy, Etobicoke
- Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton, Toronto
- Francis Libermann, Toronto
Archbishop Thomas Collins on the Theology of the Body - click here
ToB Congress
Report & Pictures
Along with us, there were attendees from 10 countries and 39 U.S. states. They represented 111 dioceses. Two bishops, more than 50 priests, six deacons and dozens of other religious were among the more-than 450 attendees Click here for pictures
Guiding Your Child Through the Sexual Minefield
- St. Bernadette's Ajax - Fall 2007 (Mini Session)
- Mother's Group Ajax - 2010 (Mini Session)
- St. Matthew's Oakville - Oct. 2010 (Full Day)
- St. James School, Ajax - Mar. 2011 (Mini Session)
- St. Bernadette's Ajax - April 2011 (Full Day)
- St. Philip Neri - North York - Oct. 2011 (Mini - Session)
- St. Philip Neri - North York - Nov. 2011 (Full Day)
- Precious Blood Prayer Group - Winter 2012
- St. James School, Ajax, Apr. 2012
- Couples for Christ - Sept 2015
2009 ToB Conference Toronto
Marriage Preparation - Theology of the Body Talk
- St. Jerome's Parish, Brampton - March 2011
Theology of the Body For Teens
12 Week - Study Group in the classroom
- Father Leo Austin High School - Fall 2011
- Father Leo Austin High School - Fall 2012
- St. Patrick's High School - Fall 2012
- Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School in Oshawa - Spring 2013
Theology of the Body for Teens
Study Group
A ten week in classroom presentation of the Theology for Teens program. For more information please contact gsmilministry@gmail.com
To see what the teens said about the prgram click here
Theology of the Body Talk
- St. Marguerite d''Youville - March 2012
New ToB Books
"Jesus Had a Body Like Me: A Theology of the Body for Babies and Little One" by Patricia Mitchell
What Are Teens Saying;
We completed Theology of the Body for Teens at a High School in Whitby, Oshawa and Toronto
See what the teens said about the program: Click Here
Other Workshops
A Biblical Walk Through the Mass - 2011 - Holy Redeemer
A Biblical Walk Through the Mass - 2012 - St. Bernadette's
Catholicism - St. Bernadette's - 2013
Theology of the Body & Bible Study
- St. Bernadette's Morning Bible Study, Ongoing
- St. Bernadette's Evening Bible Study, Ongoing
Theology of the Body and Confirmation
- St. Bernadette's Parish - Winter 2012
- St. Bernadette's Parish - Spring 2013
- St. Bernadette's Parish - Spring 2014
- St. Bernadette's Parish - Spring 2015
Theology of the Body - Gr. 6, 7 & 8
- St. Bernadette Parish, Ajax - 2013/ 2014
- St. John the Evangelist, Whitby - 2015
Theology of the Body Teen Retreats
- Ancaster – Weekend Retreat - 2014
- St. Don Bosco Secondary School in Toronto
Apologetics (an explantion of the faith)
- Same Sex Attraction - Jan. 2014
- Contraception: A Second Look - Mar 2014
- Exorcism: Be Not Afraid - April 2014
- How to Win an Argument Without Losing a Soul - Sept 2014
- How to Keep Your Children Catholic - Oct 2014
- From St. Francis to Pope Francis - Jan 2015
- The Rape of Childhood and Why Parents should be Incensed. - Sept 2015
- Can You Be A Piece of Jewelry When You Die? - Nov 2016
- Who Will be Saved - Jan 2016
The Great Adventure - Bible Timeline (24 weeks)
- St Bernadette's Ajax - 2014 - 2015
Matthew - The King and His Kingdom
- St. Bernadette's Ajax - 2015-2016
Individual Talks on Theology of the Body
- Parents Forum - July 2015
Theology of the Body Training
- Couples For Christ – Foundation for Family and Life, Teen Leaders - July 2015
Exodus - Bible Study
Starting Fall 2021
An Ten-Part Bible Study by Tim Gray
Either Wed mornings 9:30 to 10:30 starting Sept 18 or Wed. evenings 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. starting Fall 2020 on Zoom
Altar Talks
- A new program that has been run at several schools in Durham Region